- Ensuring full awareness among our employees before the first COVID-19 cases even appeared in Malta
- Establishing a team to come up with new policies in response to the evolving COVID situation, and put them into practice within VGT
- Holding informative sessions and affixing posters of preventive measures on notice boards and common areas
- Increasing hand sanitizing stations at all gatehouses, common areas, reception desks, workshops, offices and distributing portable sanitizer bottles to each employee
- Distributing face masks and gloves to each employee, as well as special bins to dispose of such equipment
- Installing separation glasses at reception desks
- Temperature screening at entry points of our terminals
- Increasing disinfection frequency of surfaces, handles, handrails and switches at common areas
- Suspending the practice of employees punching in and out of the workplace
- Suspending physical meetings and shifting to online meetings
- Encouraging clients to settle payments electronically
- Adapting work procedures and providing laptops for office employees to work from home
- Working with skeleton strength where possible and allowing employees to be on standby at home
- As per request from Malta Dockers Union, deploying a medic to conduct temperature screening for crew members prior to operations onboard